Saturday, April 14, 2007
Twice in two days I've written something in mail and blog and ended up shot down like a cheap whore lost in the woods during hunting season. The first time was a response to something I thought people needed to be aware of and clearly misjudged because (obviously) they just wanted to hear the great stuff.
The second time was a jokey comment to a post in a blog and the reply from the owner came back sounding utterly pissed off and reproachful. Now, I know it's hard to come across as humorous in text unless you use smilies or similar, but, I get the feeling this person was deadly serious.
WTF? It wasn't a terrible comment, it wasn't slagging them off and if they were serious it didn't deserve me being dressed down like a two year old. We're both adults so get a grip! Also, if you were joking in reply, you might want to say so, or else you'll do more than offend me, because I'll de-friend your bitchy ass like there's no tomorrow.
I don't need this.
Posted by General Disorder ::
10:25 PM ::
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