Voice of the Tent
When the shit hits the fan, get a tent!

Sunday, February 22, 2004

La la la la bang.

Hahah, madness has overtaken me.

So. Last night we had the gas meter entirely changed. Solved the problem of the mystery leaks, thinks you? You would be wrong, young Tenter in the making. Come an hour later and the gas smell is as strong and eggy as it ever was. And thus we, your loyal Tenting Soldiers™ retired to bed in the hopes we would not be blown sky high overnight.
In the morning, an as yet unamed soldier removed all items from the vicinity of the gas meter and found an uncapped pipe that used to connect to the meter and which the nasty, Evil builders™ had neglected to fix themselves. This pipe was not connected to the mains, but was full of sticky eggy residue. Gas man™ returned and capped it and lo! the smell has thus been seemingly conquered!

Horay cheers the crowd, desiring the blood of the rubbish, Evil builders™ and their useless overlords at the council!

Also, in a miracle worthy of a horde of very determined angels, Carpet Guy™ came and put the carpet back down. I proceeded to tidy the landing... and broke a favourite pot in the process... so I guess the curse is still upon us *dratdratdratdrat!*

Still, tomorrow's another day and I intend to have egg *hohoho* and chicken sandwiches for tea!

Later, Tenters of the future.

Posted by General Disorder :: 1:09 AM :: 0 Comments:

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